First Impression & Review: Morphe 35W 35 Color Warm Palette with Swatches

I just got this palette 4 days ago, and I’m already super impressed with these shadows. They are very pigmented, blend really well, and come in a huge range of colors–and the best part is that they are very budget friendly! This palette is on $20 and you get 35 shadows.

I chose to pick up the 35W Palette as compared to the 35N Palette because this one has some shimmer in it. The neutral palette has beautiful colors in it, but they are all matte shadows, and I wanted to try out both matte and shimmer options in one palette.

All the colors you are given:


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Swatches of each shadow column by column:

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I’ve been using this bottom shade all over my lid the past two days and it blends beautifully.

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First thought: Barbie would do her makeup with that pink.
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Loove the middle shade of this one. The bottom charcoal color also has some shimmer in it, but a bit hard to pick up in this image
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These seem a lot more ‘jewel’ toned to me. They would be perfect for Holiday parties:)

The sun did change slightly while taking the pictures, but they are all edited and honestly very close to true color. These shadows are soo much fun to use. I did mention in my Instagram post that they do have a bit of a smell, but I only noticed it the first couple times I opened the case, other than that you can’t tell at all. They also come in a fairly sturdy container and it has a great mirror–it’s not one of those pretend mirrors that sometimes get put into compacts or other palettes. You could definitely use their mirror to apply your eye shadow.

I’m honestly super impressed with this palette. The shadows are cheap, but to me are really high quality. There are a few colors that I may not reach for every day, but there are so many that I could use on a daily basis, and I would find use for all of them. Before making this post I had only used 2 colors, and was just more and more impressed with each swatch. The black that is the very last shadow and lowest swatch on my arm was literally made with one swipe of my finger. This is a great beginner palette since you get a taste of many variations and colors, as well as having it not be a huge cost if you’re just starting out.

Overall: Huge thumbs up:) I can’t wait to use more of the colors in combination together.

Thanks for reading!


6 thoughts on “First Impression & Review: Morphe 35W 35 Color Warm Palette with Swatches

  1. Ive been looking at the morphe brushes palettes, they look even better than expected and at a fraction of the price of crown brushes! im eager to get some now x

      1. I didn’t even see this reply. I should click the buttons to receive emails when you reply. I’ve not yet got one but I really want to try the concealer one, I think it’s got a green concealer?

      2. I’ve been looking at those palettes as well!! Based on the quality of this one i would say you can assume that one would be good as well:)

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